Thursday, 4 October 2012

Creative Blackboards

I have this obsession with blackboards, I just love that a simple sign or note can look clever at the same time. From writing a shopping list to quoting your favourite poet, here are some unique ways to incorporate blackboards into your life.

From a unique children's desk in a playroom, to a custom tall boy or feminine headboard....

From the kids lunch bag to the backboard of your cabinetry

Labeling with blackboards is not new but how about a custom table runner or spice rack or even your guests wine glasses?

Anything and everything can become a blackboard, even your wine bottle from last nights dinner

So how about we take blackboards to another level...

Surfboard anyone, or perhaps a car... no I am thinking vegetables?

The blackboards may be gone from our schools but they are very now for the grown adults of today. Think outside the box and your world will turn into a giant blackboard. So what are you going to write about?

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